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The field of “Cornea” has evolved as a sub-specialty of Ophthalmology especially in the past two decades. Advances in diagnostic instrumentation, surgical technology, and innovative surgical techniques have led to tremendous evolution in the field of corneal transplantation. Diagnostic and surgical procedures now interpret the cornea as a layered structure, and not just a single 0.5mm of clear tissue. Newer procedures such as collagen crosslinking, intra-corneal implants, anterior lamellar keratoplasty, endothelial keratoplasty, & femtosecond laser refractive surgery have changed the traditional approach to managing corneal disorders. In order to stay up to date with recent developments, we need to share our knowledge and experience as a group both at the national level and internationally across the globe.

Such a need in the field of Cornea, beckoned the formation of the “ Cornea Society of India ” – a fortified forum for the corneal fraternity in the country. The CSI aims to formulate current practice patterns, facilitate fellowships, and encourage scientific discussions with a primary goal to enhance patient care and management. It intends to evolve, with time, into a comprehensive guiding force, in the field of Cornea and External Diseases.

Office Bearers

Dr Pravin Krishna V
Dr Jnanankar Medhi
Vice President
Dr Namrata Sharma
Past President
Dr Paras Mehta
Dr Vikas Mittal
Dr Himanshu Matalia
Executive Committee
Dr Geetha Iyer
Dr Rajesh Fogla
Dr Nikhil S Gokhale
Dr Manisha AcharyaExecutive Committee
Dr Manisha Acharya
Executive Committee
Dr Vinay S Pillai
Dr Vinay S Pillai
Dr Jayesh Vazirani
Dr Jayesh Vazirani


Dr Quresh B Maskati
Advisory Committee
Dr Samar K BasakAdvisory Committee
Dr Samar K Basak
Advisory Committee
Dr Srinivas K RaoAdvisory Committee
Dr Srinivas K Rao
Advisory Committee